DHI Direct Hair Transplant
DHI is the second most popular hair transplant technique, noting the most popular is the FUE. The most important specification of the Direct Hair Implant (DHI) Technique is there is no need for stitches, does not leave scars and no need for cuts.
DHI is the second most popular hair transplant technique, noting the most popular is the FUE. The most important specification of the Direct Hair Implant (DHI) Technique is there is no need for stitches, does not leave scars and no need for cuts. The lack of stitches and not leaving any scars are also present in FUE technique but DHI differs from FUE in terms of creating cuts/canals on the scalp before the implant. DHI also decreases the amount of time the micro-grafts are exposed out in the open waiting to be implanted, making them stronger and healthier before the implant. As mentioned on the FUE hair transplant details, after harvesting the grafts are assorted under a special microscope according to their nature. In DHI technique the assortment is not done and the planting is done directly after harvesting with the extremely fine needles.
The DHI technique involves the harvest phase and the planting phases, but with the help of a specialized pen utensil, the grafts/follicles are directly planted onto the scalp without any additional hair canals/cuts to be made; it should be noted that there is no pain involved in planting the hairs with this technique.
Without cuts/canals; the number of hair follicles that can be planted increase and the planting can be done in a much more dense way.
Compared to FUE, DHI is much more intricate and takes considerably longer to complete; however the elimination of the cuts makes the healing period to be much shorter.
Advantages of DHI
- The density of the hair transplant is high with 40-60 grafts per square centimeter.
- No need to open up cuts/canals before planting, the healing period is shorter.
- The ability to be more precise on the zones like the front hair line, results in a much more natural looking hair.
Hair Transplant
What we do?
Contrary to popular belief, women also suffer from hair loss and boldness, and luckily hair transplantation is a mutual solution method for both genders.
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