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FUE Hair Transplant Technique

FUE Hair Transplant Technique

FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction- hair transplant technique; the one we have outlined in detail in our hair transplant operation steps is the most popular hair transplant technique. But what makes it so popular?


FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction- hair transplant technique; the one we have outlined in detail in our hair transplant operation steps is the most popular hair transplant technique. But what makes it so popular?

  • The tissue is left untouched on the zone where the hair follicles are harvested, therefore does not damage the scalp.
  • There will be no cut or stitch marks left on the harvest zone. The tiny cuts in 1 mm diameter will close up in just a couple of days and will heal quickly.
  • With FUE, the hair follicles are harvested from the back of the head, which makes it possible to plant these follicles to the moustache, beard and eyebrow sections.
  • Depending on the harvest zone characteristics and the target number micro-grafts, the number of planted hair follicles can reach up to 6000 in a single session.
  • Each micro-graft contains 1-3 hair follicles; therefore, each micro-graft will turn it to an average of at least 2 new hair follicles.
  • Depending on the number of harvested micro-grafts and the zone that will be planted; 60 hair follicles can be planted in each square-centimeter.
  • The discomfort level is extremely mild.
  • The quick healing factors are again reasons for the popularity of FUE.

 Are all factors in making FUE the most popular and successful hair transplant technique in our day.

After FUE

  • It is recommended to enrich the effects of FUE with hair mesotherapy. Hair mesotherapy will include vitamin and mineral supplement treatments that will give additional strength to the planted hair follicles. The newly grown hair will be richer and stronger if you get hair mesotherapy 1 month after the hair transplant and every 3 months afterwards in the following year.

Click here to see the benefits of PRP treatment

Hair Transplant

What we do?

Contrary to popular belief, women also suffer from hair loss and boldness, and luckily hair transplantation is a mutual solution method for both genders.

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